Ep14 Uridine monophosphate: the tip of the nootropics spear

There’s no question about it, Uridine monophosphate is one of the strongest, most powerful, and most effective nootropic compounds on the planet.

It’s extraordinarily multi-factorial, works consistently for people, and has helped a lot of people come out of brain fog, back into clarity.

It’s my number 1 nootropic for verbal fluency, and it is the primary ingredient in the Cortex nootropic stack.

In the podcast, we’ll discuss:

  1. Uridine’s contribution to phosphatidylcholine synthesis
  2. Uridine’s facilitation of neurite outgrowth
  3. Uridine’s activation of P2 receptors
  4. How Uridine acts as a neurotransmitter in and of itself
  5. Uridine’s donation of cytidine to CDP Choline
  6. What Uridine stacks well with
  7. Safety and cycling of Uridine
  8. Verbal fluency, working memory, and mental energy effects of Uridine
  9. Most effective Uridine dose, based on our data from beta testers of the Cortex stack.

The single greatest resource on Uridine monophosphate, with accompanying studies, is the Examine.com website’s page on it found here.

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