Sublingually dosing racetam nootropics

—- Video on sublingual Phenylpiracetam here — updated 1/11/18

Sublingually dosing nootropics is a popular strategy, and for good reason. But can you sublingually dose racetams for brain performance?

Yes. The answer is yes. And approached with a surgical dosing strategy, sublingually dosing racetams can be quite the powerful nootropic strategy.

I’ve sublingually dosed most racetams. That includes:

  1. Aniracetam
  2. Oxiracetam
  3. Phenylpiracetam
  4. Pramiracetam
  5. Coluracetam

And others. And right upfront, my definitive position on it is that it’s awesome. Here are some benefits of sublingually dosing racetams:

  1. The onset is quicker
  2. The effect duration seems to be a bit longer
  3. The first part of the acute effects are pronounced
  4. You don’t don’t lose much of the substance via digestion
  5. It’s incredibly easy. Rather than having to make capsules, you can measure your quantity on a milligram scale, and throw the powder under your tongue.

But, there are a few distinctions to make, and things to consider when sublingually dosing racetams. They are:

  1. Since you’re dosing with a method that is more direct than a mere oral administration, you’ll require just a bit less than an oral dose. Therefore…
  2. You should dose 20-30% less than your oral dose. With an Oxiracetam dose of 1000MG, shoot for 700-800MG.
  3. If you’re taking a choline source with your racetam, which some folks may have to do (choline sources explained HERE in the SBF nootropics guide), don’t take this sublingually. You’re already taking the racetam sublingually, and you’ll have to add an additional 100-500MG of a choline source? And then what.. wait another 5-10 minutes for it all to dissolve after the 5-10 minutes you used to dissolve the racetam? No!! Just take your choline source orally.
  4. Once you get the racetam under your tongue, let it sit for at least 5 minutes. 5-10 is optimal, but no less than 5.
  5. You don’t have to swallow the leftover powder/liquid once the 5-10 minutes is up. Simply wash your mouth and spit the stuff out.

In the video…

We’ll explain all of the above and more!

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