Sublingual 10MG Doses of Coluracetam (and ensuing mental fluidity)

Coluracetam is perhaps the most impressive racetam of them all. It doesn’t just work by releasing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, but it instead improves choline uptake in neurons.

Racetam smart drugs are impressive. They tell the brain to release a neurotransmitter (Acetylcholine) that’s involved in focus and working memory, improve glucose functionality in neurons, and stimulate AMPA receptors, causing increases in stimulation and mental energy. The main stream racetams are:

  1. Piracetam: 1-4G dose range. This compound works on improving cerebral blood flow and improving the profile of Acetylcholine.
  2. Aniracetam: 700-1000MG dose range. The compound primarily works on release Acetylcholine in a memory centric part of the brain called the hippocampus, and stimulates AMPA receptors turning on mental energy and fluidity.
  3. Phenylpiracetam: 75-200MG dose range. This powerful nootropic has a few unknowns in the mechanism of action category, but it’s suspected to do what Piracetam does at a more compounded level. Most anecdotal reports on Phenylpiracetam discuss infusions of mental energy that keep people stimulated and alert for 2-3 hours, able to engage in particularly mentally taxing work.
  4. Coluracetam: 5-35MG dose range. Coluracetam is interesting. It’s different than most other racetams in that instead of facilitating the release of a neurotransmitter, it actually helps neurons uptake choline by improving a process known as “high affinity choline uptake,” or “HACU.” Quite interesting.
  5. Oxiracetam: 500-1000MG dose range. This is a powerful racetam nootropic that’s mechanism of action is similar to Aniracetam, but is a lot more focus inducing for most people anecdotally. This is a compound I routinely use to get my brain out of a sleep deficit induced fog.

And there are some others. But Coluracetam is particularly cool to me because of the small dose range, and its effects on choline uptake. And because of the effects.

For me, Coluracetam turns on overall mental fluidity. Similarly to how Oxiracetam affects me, I notice it quite quickly, and I can tell everything in my frontal lobes are just functioning better.

But I experimented (like any curious nootropics enthusiast does) recently with a sublingual administration (under the tongue) of Coluracetam, in 10MG quantities. And………………… it was awesome.

It felt like it onset quicker, the effects were more pronounced, and it lasted a bit longer. But what was most cool about the experience was the degree of fluidity my brain noticed while in the effect duration window.

In the video, I explain the sublingual dosing strategy for Coluracetam, my experiences, and more. Enjoy!

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