Not Responding to Modafinil? Here’s Why

And it isn’t that Modafinil doesn’t work. STOP THINKING THAT. STOP SAYING THAT. You’ve got to understand one critical thing: your physiology.

But before we get to that, it is the case that many people don’t respond positively to Modafinil, and some, not at all. I mean, it literally has no effect on them.

That leads folks to start thinking that the estimated 100,000 people actively discussing nootropics and their great experiences with them are all just… making it up. 100K people got together for the biggest scam in personal health history.

Bullshit. It’s your brain, your body, and particularly, how quickly you’re metabolizing Modafinil. It isn’t that Modafinil “doesn’t work.” It’s that, to put it simply, it’s not staying active long enough in your bloodstream, because of how quickly your liver is breaking it down.

ENTER: The Cytochrome superfamily of enzymes

OK – trying to put this as simply as possible: there are a family of enzymes that reside in your body, that are primarily responsible for dealing with foreign compounds, and specifically, drugs.

They break them down, and try to get them out of your bloodstream as fast as possible. Remember: your body doesn’t really want these foreign invaders in there. It wants to break them down, and shuttle them out through your urine or bowels, as soon as possible. It knows they’re not native.

But there’s a particular enzyme that may be responsible for why you’re not responding to Modafinil, that works very specifically at breaking down pharmaceutical compounds. It’s called the Cytochrome P450 enzyme 

Photo courtesy of Marco Orazi, at

The P450 enzyme accounts for just about 75% of drug metabolism, compared to other protocols your body uses to break these compounds down.

But the real question is: if everyone’s body has these enzymes, then why do some people respond to Modafinil and others don’t?

Is it a matter of some people’s drug metabolism enzymes working FASTER than others’? The short answer? Yes.

Some people’s bodies go through what’s known as a “polymorphism,” which is merely an abnormal expression of a particular gene or enzyme in the human body (Wikipedia page on polymorphisms for inquiring minds).

In this polymorphism, the P450 enzyme either works way too well, or not good enough. In the cases where it works way too well, the enzyme rapidly breaks down drugs, LIKE MODAFINIL, so quickly that compound literally does not stay active in your bloodstream long enough for you to notice a nootropic benefit from it.

It therefore cannot work on promoting wakefulness through various mechanisms, and as a result, the user isn’t going to notice an acute effect from it.

In the video below, we’ll discuss this mechanism, and postulate the notion that THIS is in fact why folks are not responding to Modafinil, when everyone else is.

The enzyme for breaking down and metabolizing drugs has engaged in some type of variation in the way it expresses itself, leading to a hyperactive functionality that very rapidly metabolizes drugs.

As far as I can tell, these are the same types that can tolerate large quantities of alcohol without much of a problem, whereas others get significantly hungover with lower doses.


Ryan –

Learn more – and go pro on nootropics

And hey – for more detailed distinctions on nootropics, read the Smarter Better Faster digital nootropics guide. For a list of powerful noopept nootropic stacks, read the Noopept Pro Stack List. For a guide strictly on Racetams, get the Racetam God Guide. And for a powerful pre-made verbal fluency and productivity stack, snag a bottle of Cortex.

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