How to properly combine multiple Racetams with Noopept

So you want to combine many Racetams and Noopept do ya? Awesome. It can be done, and if done with a particularly useful methodology, something we break down in The Racetam God Guide, it’ll get you great results.

Breaking down the methodology

Basically, the strategy to use here is to dose the Racetams and the Noopept in particular milligram quantities, to get a balanced result. The thing to avoid here is: overload of the cholinergic system of the brain, with too high quantities of acetylcholine. Here are the steps:

  1. First – establish a “base.” A base, in terms of nootropic stacks is simply the primary functional component of the stack. So – if you’re making the base Noopept, you will dose it in a regular to high dose. It serves as the structural power of the stack, where everything else is medium to low dosed.
  2. With Noopept as a base, you might go with: 12MG.
  3. Then – bringing in other racetams, like say, Aniracetam, Phenylpiracetam, and Oxiracetam, you’d want to low to medium dose them, to bring in their benefits, but not to overpower the stack with one compound or another, especially because you’ve got Noopept as the primary heavy hitter in stack.
  4. There are many different dose variations of a stack containing all of these racetams and Noopept, that you could engage.

One way to take multiple racetams and Noopept in a synergistic nootropic stack

  1. 12MG Noopept
  2. 400MG Aniracetam
  3. 400MG Oxiracetam
  4. 60MG Phenylpiracetam
  5. Optional choline source (100-250MG of either CDP Choline or Alpha GPC, or alternatively: 300-500MG Choline bitartrate). — To truly understand if you need a choline source with racetams, read: Smarter Better Faster, or The Racetam God Guide.

Why this methodology is useful (and what we did here)

  1. This methodology is useful because it ensures you do not overload your brain with too many acetylcholine affecting nootropic compounds. This is a surefire way to experience side effects with cholinergics, and nootropics in general.
  2. We brought in both Aniracetam and Oxiracetam, in the above example, at roughly HALF of their normal doses. We wouldn’t want to dose them in 700 and 1000MG quantities respectively (their normal doses), because we already have a heavy hitting cholinergic compound (Noopept) normal dosed as the base of the stack.
  3. We brought in Phenylpiracetam at 60MG, which is in line with medium dosing the compound, in line with the idea of keeping the stack balanced. Phenylpiracetam is normally taken in 25-200MG doses, with the normal/high dose range being 75-150MG.

Make sense? This approach to stacking various racetams with Noopept has worked very well for our nootropics consulting clients, myself, and many people that read our digital nootropics guides and apply the advice.

It is tested, makes sound sense, and allows a person to stack multiple racetams with Noopept, and get good results. In the video below, we’ll break some of this down more, further explain the methodology, and give more example stacks!

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